Project 1: N Body Simulation



This project focuses on developing an efficient and accurate N-body simulation system using high-performance computing techniques. The N-body problem is crucial in fields like astrophysics, cosmology, and aerodynamics, involving the simulation of the motion of a system of particles under the influence of gravitational forces.

Key Objectives

  • Algorithm Development: Create an N-body simulation algorithm that can be parallelized efficiently.
  • Optimization: Reduce communication overhead and load balancing issues in the parallelization process.
  • High-Performance Implementation: Implement the simulation on a high-performance computing architecture to handle large-scale systems.
  • Scalability: Investigate and ensure the scalability of the developed algorithm.


  • Cell Lists Algorithm: Utilizes a grid of cells to reduce computational complexity by focusing on local interactions.
  • Leapfrog Time Integration: Ensures accurate propagation of particle positions and velocities.
  • Parallelization Techniques: Combines OpenMP for parallel processing within nodes and MPI for communication between nodes.
  • Performance Analysis: Conducts roofline and scaling analyses to evaluate the efficiency and scalability of the algorithm.


  • Efficiency Gains: The parallelized algorithm demonstrates significant improvements in computation time.
  • Scalability: The algorithm scales well with the number of processors, though efficiency decreases with increased communication overhead.


The project successfully develops a highly scalable and efficient N-body simulation system, advancing the computational techniques available for simulating large-scale particle interactions.

Repository and Resources

To read the full analysis, you can download the PDF file.